Hey kiddos.
C Bates here.
I hope everyone is enjoying what is left of their spring break. I know I am! Trying to hold onto those last few days, hours, and pretending as if school isn’t a few days away.

Just wanted to let people know that we are, in fact, alive here at the station [even though the poor website goes unnoticed sometimes] but with the coming of spring, brings new changes and new things, as well as new people! We’re in the process of adding new DJs, shows, time slots, and of course the ever rotating influx of music. So this next quarter will be really exciting here at the station. Plus, it’s spring time, so it’s hard NOT to be in a crabby mood.

Also wanted to remind people that we are always looking for help here at the station, and every little bit helps. And just like crits in class, we love feedback!

Alright. I’m off to do more relaxing and pointless tasks. 🙂
